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Правила применения рекомендательных технологий
1. General Provisions
  • 1.1. These Rules for the Application of Recommendation Technologies (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") establish the basic conditions and guidelines for using information technologies that provide personalized information based on the collection, classification, and analysis of data regarding users' interests and preferences (hereinafter referred to as "Recommendation Technologies").
  • 1.2. The Rules are part of the User Agreement.
2. Collection and Use of Data
  • 2.1. Recommendation Technologies operate based on information collected from Users via web browsers or mobile applications interacting with the Web Resource.
  • 2.2. Each User is assigned a unique identifier.
  • 2.3. В комбинации с идентификатором Пользователя используются данные о его взаимодействии с Веб-ресурсом, включая:
    - просмотр страниц и материалов Веб-ресурса;
    - историю взаимодействий пользователя, включая оценки "понравилось" и "не понравилось", а также установленные фильтры (пол, возраст, рост, вес).
3. Recommendations
  • 3.1. User preferences are recorded through the user interface, supported by the Web Resource's server infrastructure.
  • 3.2. Using machine learning algorithms, the service analyzes the user's previous ratings and identifies latent factors, which are then used to generate personalized recommendations for potential partners that match the set filters.

Рекомендуем: поиск работы, сайт BestТруд.ru
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